Friday Foto

By drmackem

I wish I was a punk rocker

....with flowers in my hair

The miseducation of....

The guitar dusted down

A muse
You’ll be gathering I love my tunes. Im remembering my punk rock phase as a spotty teenager when I was, as still am pretty vacant, and always standing in the kitchen at partys.
The pistols, the buzzcocks, the clash were my soundtrack and I’d pogo with the boys at the rowing club. Tbh it was a lot of fun, I can be pretty outraged with a healthy edge of disdain for those who abuse power but it wasn’t the real me, give me a flower in my hair when I protesting.

A Tune
A time ago, I played and crooned in a band, pretty much MOR rock, but not picked this up meaningfully since having kids.
So today I’m putting into action an intention that I’ve had for years, and I’ll have my first lesson and the dream of being a rockstar when I grow up lives again!

I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair - Sandi Thom

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