
By Kaysha


We were expecting snow and a walk in the park but it didn't come to anything so we settled on softplay, which was actually a lot of fun. It never ceases to tire the kids out and they were fast asleep minutes into the journey home. I'm thinking about buying one of those new cars that can drive itself so I can join the kids in their car journey naps, they look so cosy!

Little D has a pretty snotty nose and was feeling a bit sorry for himself towards the end of the day. He actually asked to go to bed at 6pm so fingers crossed he's feeling better come tomorrow. Hopefully sleeping beside mummy will help tonight.

Just as we thought we'd missed the snowfall in Edinburgh, a big flurry of snow has swept our way and the place is now covered in a glittering, magical white blanket. The kids are supposed to be going to Grandma and Grandad's tomorrow, we'll wait and see if we/they can get out and about in the car. If not, there'll be plenty of fun to be had making snowmen in the garden!

In the meantime, we're all dog-tired so bed calls...

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