Beauties on a Boulder

Looks like we only stopped for photos once today, as Mike's is from exactly the same spot. I always think I'll get really good photos when I have visitors, but too busy socialising to remember, mostly. Oh well. 

Were going to go to Spain or somewhere else exciting, but decided, in the end, to stay around the house and get things done. Washed clothes (on line in photo). Made peanut butter chicken ready for tomorrow. Strimmed paths and under the clothesline. Picked oranges and tangerines and made juice. Picked asparagus. Prepared for Bible study tonight. Read books. Trimmed Ju's hair. Walked to Sr Zé's for lunch, and back. Took new door off its hinges because it had jammed locked, and fixed it. Booked a place to stay in Lisbon tomorrow, as will lessen stress on Saturday. Mended leggings. Baked more pão de queijo. Ate it. Practised song for Bible study. Printed off copies of the words.

- sunshine and dry washing
- getting a headstart on meal for guests tomorrow
- deciding to go to Lisbon a day early instead of getting up at crack of dawn

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