Sunny Walk

Day 15 of "Home - 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene" was today, so we've reached half-way. I'm feeling a little stronger and I'm definitely more flexible than when the program started, so I'm very happy we've restarted the yoga.
Today we did yoga, ate breakfast, and were out into the sun for a walk in the daylight. The world is still snow-free if you discount the patches of ice here and there, but it is very frosty, which has its own beauty.  And walking with the sun on your face is always lovely. Even if the weather is totally messed up, there are still some lovely days. The light on these January days is often dramatic with low bright sun and long dark shadows. Each day the sun climbs slightly higher and gets further round the hill.
When I came out today the sun was shining on the front corner of our house (see extra). That's the first time this year, and soon it will shine in the window on that side of the house. It may seem a small thing but these signals mark the returning light and that is no small matter!

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