Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Lost and found

A tulip coming up!     Last year when I bought a pot of tulips I planted the six bulbs in the flower bed by the back porch.  That information was lost to me until today when I saw this green and realized it was not the daffodils or snowdrops coming up!    I found it!  

I finished reading the book by Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost. Overall I really enjoyed her ideas of being lost or losing. It is a way of life.  When I first got the tulips, I enjoyed looking at them in their pretty pink.  They died down so I lost that part of them but the new part that remained was not lost but found.  I planted them, giving them a new "place" but then that was lost.  They had a new identity for that period of time that I did not know or remember.   Now the one pushed through the ground with a new look and I found it but the old is still lost.  So the cycle goes on, becoming something else, losing the way it was.      This is very true in the cycle of a butterfly.  Always changing into something so that the old is lost or abandoned.   

 I think I will buy a used paperback of this book so I can go through and highlight things that make sense to me and are good ideas to live with.

Being a walker and hiker, I was interested in how she described walking to the summit of the mountain, arriving but seeing that there was so much more not only on the other side of the summit but what area that was beyond the path that was walked.   This was another favorite passage, " realize that no matter how much terrain you cover, there is far more that you never will."

Something to think about.    

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