An outing

Our friends sent me a text this morning asking if we would be keen to go out for lunch at a new restaurant bar down in a wee town of Waimate (my birth place). Of course, we were keen as mustard.  
Amazingly, I left my camera at home, so liberating lol. But, I did feel comfortable to have the iPhone11 tucked in my wallet ready if needed.  In fact, it’s just too easy to snap away willy nilly with the phone.
The weather was primo, and we were able to sit outside which was a real treat.  The food amazing, the service equally so.  Company great too. 
After that, we four wandered around the park, again taking photos of the flowers, our blokes (blip) that were deep in conversation putting the world to rights.  A wonderful way to wile away the afternoon.
I laughed when saw this on the screen, note the photo bomber pulling faces behind S and I.  Fun!
A early morning bike ride down to the beach, very little wind but those hills don’t get any easier!!!  


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