
It's been a rum old day care-wise. Firstly a blokey came to take away the Focus (and the insurance payment hit my bank account). The driver told me about his Ford Capris, he has two. His wife drives the Mk1 and he drives a souped up Mk3. A little later another bloke arrived to fix a flat tyre and that's where the day slid sideways. The wheel is cracked, no doubt from one of the many vicious potholes round here. So I rang my mechanic friend to find out his thoughts and he said it'll have to be a Peugeot dealer because of the sensor in the valve. A new wheel will cost about £380 to which is added a new tyre, and they can't do it before next Wednesday. So I'm not going anywhere for a few days. On the upside, the insurance payout was comfortably more than I expected so that's all good.

Rowan asked me to make her a focaccia for this evening. Once I took it out of the oven I decided that I'd have focaccia and wine and salami this evening so I made another. All that and a busy day working too!

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