Old skule

Two envelopes arrived in the post today - nice to have something other than junk mail being delivered. Both from the same government department, the DVLA. Now I recognise that this is probably a fairly large enterprise and that shouting across the office to ask if anyone else is sending something to me before sealing the envelope might not be possible but this still appears profligate, especially when one of the envelopes has a reminder that it is easier and cheaper to apply for a passport online - one of these envelopes included a printed slip to confirm that something I had done online had happened. The other envelope contained a cheque. Yup, in the second decade of the 21st century I now have a cheque despite the original payment being made online, it's the balance of the road tax on the car which has been written off. I've got no idea what the transaction cost of printing and posting this to me has been but I've now got to faff around going into town to pay it into the bank. This is proper old-fashioned money and it comes at a cost.

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