
Prince has been fun, but my oh my has he been an expensive steed. And to be honest I've regretted selling Elsie the camper, Prince was only ever a metal tent, albeit one with lights and power sockets. But his latest naughtiness was the final straw and my eye started to wander.

At present Harrison is still 'just ' a van, albeit one with a lovely spec, but in a few weeks he's off to be insulated, carpet lined, have a night heater and leisure battery fitted. I'll live with him for a few months before deciding an internal layout, but I'm definitely leaning towards a full size bed lol.

In extras: locals will be familiar with this scourge of the Lakes, but this bloom of the notorious blue-green algae (a cynobacteria for those of you that have been on a lichens workshop with me) was super colourful.

Philosophy Friday
Jobs may fill your pockets, but Adventures fill your soul.
Jamie Lyn Beatty

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