
The last time I came along this path it was really muddy. Also I had to stay on my lead because there was lots of machinery chopping down big trees. It was a challenge to walk along here without getting absolutely caked in mud. Today I set myself a different challenge. My challenge was........... to see how many tree trunks I could jump onto. It took me three attempts to jump up onto this tree trunk 'cos it was really high. But I managed it eventually. Yay!

Ann also likes 'challenges' and this year she is setting herself a challenge for every month of the year. January's challenge is coming off Facebook for a month. And yes; she is finding that really hard. On days like today, when she isn't meeting friends, the only interaction she has had with humans, was this afternoon when she did a 'meet & greet' and met the visitors for less than 10 mins. Oh and when she popped into Waitrose and talked to the checkout girl. Handy hint – NEVER, EVER go to Waitrose on a Saturday afternoon. It was mobbed. Full of yummy mummies (and daddies) & Tarquin & Tabitha running amok in spoilt brat mode because the fridges had run out of their preferred flavour of fruit smoothies. At least on FB one can get a bit of social interaction. Much as Ann loves me and witters on to me all day long, I'm only a little collie pup so never answer back. Lol.

Anyway, Ann's February Challenge is; '29 Days to a Fitter Thinner Body'.

Only one week to go to #Febchallenge2020 #29daystoafitterthinnerbody Ann has set up an instagram account to record her progress and is really excited about this challenge. She has enlisted the help of her very clever sister, Sue, who got a distinction in a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition a couple of years ago. Ann is the thick member of the family – she doesn't even know what Human Nutrition is. Sue is going to be Ann's very own personal nutritionist/fitness advisor.

Really looking forward to this challenge. Ann's been recording all my walks on 'Strava' so that when we do them again, we have to walk faster and therefore getter fitter.

If anyone wants to follow us on Instagram our name is – '29daystoafitterthinnerbody'

Unfortunately my very lovely owner, Ann, is not very techie so she's still trying to work out this Instagram thingy.

Watch this space. I'm sure she'll work it out eventually.......................................


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