
By tookie

Bush TiT

Today the backyard Hawthorne "tree" was the resting spot for many birds...robins,humming birds, chickadees, junkos, finches , crows, and on and on , but the one that I chose to be the spotlight blip was the little Bust Tit.  A real beauty.Even through the dirty living room window I was able to get a fairly decent photograph of it.   
     More rains today....some breaks but not many.  So we hunkered down this afternoon after a morning apt. for the 'joints" .  This evening we went to see the play called The Revolutionists by Lauren Gunderson.

A quartet of fierce women —Playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle—lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. As this fearless comedy unfolds, The Revolutionists rewrites the book on legacy, art and activism, feminism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we  go about changing the world."

We were able to find free parking pretty easily dispite the theater being located in such a busy part of West Seattle and on a main street there.  It was a lively two part play that kept even Big R awake.  As the Houston paper said .."“…in this sparkling work, politics is very, very funny …These are hilarious and lovable women trapped in a history with a somber final act.” — Houston Chronicle

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