
By tookie

Herbal dermatologist

A portrait of my dermatologist who practiced Chinese medicine and is helping me with my eczema....he is Japanese...I’ve had eczema since I was two. I had a severe break out a couple years ago and wanted to reduce steroid use. I have to drink two packets of pretty awful tasting herbs twice daily. I also have some creams and herbs to mix and use topically. The process is slow but seems that my skin is coming along.
My sweet granddaughter inherited eczema from st least my side of the family and I wish that she had not as I know it bothers her. She sleeps with a silky pillow case like I used too.
When I was in grade school and earlier my mom would wrap my legs all up using salves and gauze. She gave me oatmeal baths. Kids made fun of my skin issues which didn’t help as I was so shy then anyhow. It was hard on my mom to try and find foods that I wasn’t allergic too and in the fifties they didn’t have all the specialty health food stores and all the foods they do now. She really did her best to find things for me. I remember feeling so different because I couldn’t eat like other kids and couldn’t have the treats. At birthdays etc. she made me special rye cakes and once a jello cake. That one the kids laughed at because it wobbled. Having gone through that did make me a more sensitive person however to others issues and looks etc

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