
By Madchickenwoman

Pleasure Piece

I had to take the car back to the garage to have a new catch fitted to the bonnet. As it wouldn't take long I decided to take Oscar and walk him. Unfortunately it would be along the main road and I thought I'd drop down to the local family garden centre. But I saw a staggered entrance of two wooden fences and found a Pleasure Piece! At the end of the walk I found an information board about the land.  It was a piece of land gifted to Calstock Parish Council as a village green in 1894! It consisted of a circular walk around the last remnants of heathland with wooden seats and a great picture of the view spreading from the moors to the left and Callington to the right with Plymouth smack in the middle! Apparently the name comes from Victorian times when they would take pleasure excursions to picnic sites  and pleasure fields on a weekend!  Oscar took 25 minutes on our first circuit, sniffing everything, our next circuit took 10 minutes! Unfortunately it was a grey old day so the view was limited, but it was a pleasurable walk! 

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