Bute House

I headed into town today for a rally at the mound. It was there to show solidarity with the Greek people since the Golden Dawn are gaining more power in Greece despite not hiding their overtly fascist leanings. There was a good turnout from members of Edinburgh's Greek community along with a good cross section of the rest of Edinburgh.

The only slight downside was a group of around ten or eleven people, largely SDL members apparently, at the other side of the square in a small area barriered off by the police. However you can hardly have an anti-fascist rally without allowing people to express opposing viewpoints, that would be a little ironic.

A large number of people at the rally along with passers by signed a petition calling on the First Minister to show solidarity with the Greek people opposed to fascism, so after the rally a number of us marched to Bute House to deliver the petition. The mailbox at Bute House is fake for obvious reasons so the petition was taped to the door.

Hopefully it starts to make a small difference, the rise of fascist organisations, particularly at a time of economic difficulty is a very worrying proposition. I would hate to think the sacrifices made by my Grandparents' generation to keep fascism and extreme right-wing politics at bay would be forgotten easily.

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