twinned with trumpton


Awake to find I didnt have to watch Alex football as he was up at 2am, sick. 

So I did my 2 hours OT and then slowly got on with laundry. Eventually out to get bread but got distracted and went exploring in the fenced off wastelands of EH5. Although not feeling great, and not helped by the cold and wet. Lethargic too. Hmmmm

I went home, slept and then got a bus into town. Met her at the City Art Centre (see blip) then liberated her bike from outside work and walked back, getting plantain and spinach as we went.

Another 10 minute sleep, no opportunity to paint the wardrobe, and vegan tacos for dinner. 

Last bus home (at 1930) as the lads' mum called with an Alex update. Breathing was becoming laboured and a stabbing pain in his chest. Could I look after Tom whilst she called an ambulance? So I went from the bus stop, and we walked off down the hill.

Much later...trying to digest the likelihood he has diabetes. **

**now confirmed 

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