Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

iPhone-ography in NYC

One of my favorite places in NYC is Grand Central Station. In the 1990's I lived six blocks from this iconic building. During that time it was restored from being a tired and rundown place that you rushed to get out of to a place that takes your breath away. Over several years, craftsman from Europe painstakingly cleaned years of grime from the high arched ceilings, revealing fabulous scenes of the galaxy. Each week a small patch of brilliant greenish-blue tiles would be revealed.

And now Grand Central is a vibrant place ... With 5* restaurants, boutiques, and even an Apple Store. I took this shot from the balcony with my iPhone (having decided to travel sans camera this weekend) and I picked it because it captured the moment for me. The light was streaming through the huge arches windows, casting light and shadow across the floor. More magic than I could ever do justice to, but I hope it gives you at least a small feel for a grand place.

I love this city!


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