Azeala EB for today.....

Today was the first time I have gone to the nursery with all of my Bonsai buddies since the first of November.   Life happens, and then the day comes.........
The day was cold and damp, with a bit of a breeze.  Being in the Ocala National Forest, there was a lot of shade which blocked the warming of the sun.  But.......    the company was wonderful, the conversation was active and fun, the people were warm and friendly,  and I even managed to eat a 1/2 piece of cheese pizza!    
     I got out my 3 deciduous trees and checked if any needed repotting, as this month is the only month you can actually do anything with roots of a deciduous tree (Elm, Maple, Oak,)  All 3 were in fine shape for another year.  There was a bit of styling and trimming that I could do.  
       The rest of my trees are doing very well out there.  They are resting, so to speak.  With the lack of warmth and sunshine, the tropicals have slowed grow way down, or stopped.   They are gathering energy for the spring flush.   Winter is a really nice time .......  time to dream of new adventures and begin planning how to make that happen.

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