Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Diamonds in Defence

Sorry to take down the abstract light blip but I changed my mind and decided to run with my usual saturday blip of our beloved football team .

Travelled to Airdrie today for the Sons game against Airdrie , the " Diamonds"

Match report for Sons today ; great game 2-1 for us with Airdrie playing with 13 men the 13th being the referee who gave us very little today.
Great to see the confidence and professionalism of Dumbarton grow week by wek since iain Murray became our manager. Hopefully this will continue and we might just manage to stay in the first division.

I picked this as tonight's blip. Loved all the expressions as the Diamonds defended their goal outh from a wonderful Scott Agnew corner kick , unfortunately intercepted at the near post after Jim Lister got his head to it. Not a goal this end but we did get two goals at the other end of the pitch which was too far away to get a blip.

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