GRAPHICS?? What £$%^& graphics?

Another of my, time-wasting, pass-times is a wee farm on t'Internet. Great, childish, fun: I've grown a 27lb peanut for instance.
Most of the animals are, reasonably, recognisable, but it comes as a bit of a shock to the old system when a Corse walks right through the middle of a How and, temporarily, becomes a Pushmepullyou.

I came perilous close to Blipping "When did you say it was bed-time?" Sometime twixt 13 o'clock and 13:45 Herself saw a couple of Sparrows taking an interest in the Tits' nest-box and in the intervening time I set up the camera on the work-surface B4 14:00 only to find that there wasn't a bird of any description in the garden ... For the rest of the day(light).

Also lined up were a few shots of our no-snow: we've had just enough, spread over two days, to turn the lawn green. Yes, I did say green.

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