My Mum, bless her, loved her china ornaments - in fact, if ever I dusted in her flat, I was always very careful to put them back in exactly the same place, otherwise she would grumble at me the next time I went round.  I might add that every conceivable surface was covered with little vases, bigger vases, ashtrays, ornaments of old men sitting on seats with old women standing next to them, gifts brought back from seaside holidays, photographs and various other knick-knacks, collected over the years.  

Lots of her ornaments, trinkets and knick-knacks have been shared out between the grandchildren and great grandchildren, but no-one seemed to want her birds.  I said I would have them, especially as they are made for indoor or outdoor use and are frost resistant, as I thought they would look rather good around our pond.

Not only did Mum collect ornaments, but also boxes - cardboard, metal and wooden ones that once contained liqueur chocolates, or boxes that once held rings or pieces of jewellery and inside several of them, my sister and I laughed when we found notes that said, “Don’t destroy this box, it might be worth something” - as if anyone would want a box that once held Sharps Toffee or King-size Cigars!  

Lots of the china went to the charity shops - but I had several of her mugs, and often think of her in the evening when I am having my last cup of coffee in her “robin” mug that we bought her several years ago, because she loved robins and often watched them in the communal garden from her kitchen window.

When thinking of something that would rhyme with “slow” I thought I would put Mum’s birds in a “row” so here they are.  Of course, they don’t look quite as good in mono, so I have put the colour version in as an extra.

Thinking about the word “slow”, I have just spent 46 minutes on the phone to Thames Water - having been promised a letter from them within 10 working days on the 3rd and 9th January - but of course, nothing has been received, so I had to call again. Having explained the situation to one of the agents, I told her I wasn’t happy with the situation, so asked to speak to a Manager.  I was put on hold yet again, after which the agent told me that a Manager was busy but would call me back within 48 hours.  You can imagine the mini-explosion!  I told the agent I was not putting the phone down until I had spoken to a Manager and eventually, was put through to one.  However, I won’t be totally happy until I receive the promised email from them - and judging by their previous “slow”  service, I am not holding my breath that it will be any time soon!

“A bird doesn’t sing
     because it has an answer;
it sings because
     it has a song.”
Maya Angelou

P.S. A Blip friend has just seen part of my Street Challenge on the Blipfoto Facebook page - you can see it here - excited to be chosen! 

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