Today's Special

By Connections

Steady Progress

Fed up with how long I've been under the weather, I saw my doctor last week. My blood work was normal, so it's likely I have post-viral syndrome, which can occur after having flu or other viral infections. Symptoms vary, but most people describe feeling tired and unwell, despite getting enough sleep and taking care of themselves. 

He suggested that I try to push myself to do a little more each day to build up strength and stamina again. I've followed his advice, with today being my most active in several weeks. I had books to pick up at the Fairhaven Library, and the weather was pleasant, so I added on a gentle stroll along the water. 

When I looked at the images at home on my computer, this one stood out for me. I love the male mallard's quiet movement through the water and the beautiful wake pattern that his swimming creates.

 I'm going to make this image my icon for recovery... slow and steady.

Blip 2043 

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