Tuesday's painting...

...I squished some acrylic black paint and see what the variations in tone suggested...so this is what I did with it.

I used a scratching tool, a white chalk pen, and a fude black pen.

Nothing came in the kitchen last night because of the wood chest against the cat flap. But when I got up to paint, cat Popeye asked for it to be removed so he could go out. So I removed it and went to paint.

I went out to make a coffee an hour later, and there was a lot of water on the kitchen floor all  round his drinking bucket. He has a large bucket full of water and prefers to drink out of that rather than a cat small dish. A good deal of water had been splashed out of the bucket. This has never happened before...

Popeye was sitting in his spot on the warm radiator. 

I have no idea what happened here. It looks like something was in the water bucket fighting for its life, or did Popeye drop a mouse in to see if it could swim???

Anyway, the water bucket has been scrubbed out and fresh water is in it now.

Update...an extra of Popeye...
I went in garden to do a bit of work and Popeye came out with me. But he was yowling. He had caught a mouse...and ate it whole...He was adamant it was then time for us to both come back in the bungalow...I was cold. Anyway we are now both back in bed with electric blanket on. 

Popeye sneaked under the electric blanket, and I lifted it and took a quick photo of him! He thought he was safe from me taking photos....

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