Thursday's painting....

...Yesterday I was stressed, and that the pictures I see in my head 24/7 were now in a fragmented mirror fashion, nothing was realistic.

Then a bit later I realised it might be the beginnings of a visual migraines attack. But these I see outside my head (assuming my eyes are open). So, I went to take a migraine tablet, but it was a new packet and the instructions came out first. So, I read them. The instructions are so small they are migraine inducing...and there were many pages of them. Amongst other things which appear to be contraindicated for me is my age. Nearly 72. Not to be given to the elderly it said, not for the over 65's. But with the doctorless surgery, I have not had a medication review for at least 3 years, maybe longer. So I put the migraine tablets aside. 

I then googled to see if there was anything I could use of my other medications, and anything in natural/other remedies/things I could use. Amitriptyline apparently can reduce the migraine attack, and has a 40% efficiency for doing so. And something else I have helps also. I took the smallest dose of each. And I could feel them working very soon. 

I went to bed and did my relaxation meditations I do. More or less stayed in bed rest of day, apart from getting the wheelie and recycle out. Cat likes my relaxations and I now have a floppy rag doll cat in my arms as I type this.

So, today's digital painting in Procreate is based on my painting from yesterday. Me sitting on the couch with Popeye. I have tried in the past doing a real painting with paint and brush to illustrate a migraine attack. It took me all day, and was pathetic. This painting in Procreate is more realistic. I will post the colour version and the black and white version in extras. The black and white version is what I usually see in my external vision in a migraine attack. So this is why I used yesterday's painting as a basis, so you can see the difference.

Here it is, the black and white version, which is what my external vision changes to in a migraine attack, and the colour version so you can see vaguely how the visual migraine distorts from my surroundings (see yesterday's painting, so you can compare if you want).

Although yesterday's pictures inside my head were of a fragmented broken mirror, with bits of the images scattered anywhere, and a very intense shiny black and white.

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