Magical mystery tour.

Bit of an odd day today. Up at 5:15am to take Mrs W and Mr H to Stevenage station to catch a train to York for a badminton weekend. This left me with hours of time to fill but no energy to do anything. So I did very little. A bit of gentle pottering until Mr E surfaced at 3:15pm! He went off to the gym and hasn't been seen since. He was planning on going to London to see mates for a night out.

This left me at home all on my lonesome. Aaahh I hear you all say! Never mind - Missymoo was around and game for a bit of crazy blipping, so I popped over to her place and we set off into the woods. I said "shall I bring the torch" she agreed it was a good idea thinking I meant a flashlight - not the big torch. Much amusement later we lit up the path with flames and fairy lights.

We had some fun spinning wire wool in a nearby shelter/bunker. Then back to hers for tea. I had to chuckle - her son thought we were just about to go out to blip - he was dead keen to spin wire wool and play with fire!

It seems to be a winning formula for young boys. If you need a blip opportunity - give them something dangerous, preferably flammable or explosive and they become full of enthusiasm.

If the links don't work - the pics are in my Blipfolio under Recent extra images.

Hope you all had a good Saturday.

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