We're off.

Another potential project - IF - I can remember.  I'm still aiming for 24/7/375 on indoor plant flowers. 
Outdoors; something I've never, seriously, done:-
Try to log what flowers, as it first flowers.

The viburnum of last "Back-end" carried over into this year, as did the jasminum nudiflorum.  Now I can add galanthus S.Arnott, Winter Aconites and a Hellebore.
Very early last year I bought some Snowdrops, reputed to be "early", i.e. flowering before the "norm". ( Like, before Christmas.)
Either I've been misinformed or they take time to settle in. They are visible, but that's all I can boast so far. I suppose another option may be how far North we are compared to "home".
I suppose it'll be superfluous to point out a weeding is overdue.

I've also spotted the scrag end of a primula Wanda, I'll try and rescue it at nexr weeding.

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