In My World

By JoanneInOz


....Miss Tibbs just about sums up today for me in this photo. I've been so tired all day....

After weeks of planning, arranging and telling "little white lies" to my mother-in-law Irene, her surprise birthday party last night turned out to be near to a night of perfection.

We didn't arrive home until after midnight, I slept in until after 8am (unheard of for me!) and I had planned on spending today doing some ironing...

...after I had downloaded the party photos.

Seeing as I arrived home after midnight I would have to add my blip for yesterday, one from the party.

Oh, I'd also better edit a few to send to my girls. I know they were waiting to see them.

And then there was the email from South Africa I needed to answer. They would like to see the photos too. I hope they like the couple of photos I chose to send.

Oh, what the heck, I'll just go through all of the photos and add them on Facebook, then everyone can see the photos.

Now here it is nearly 8 pm. Where did the day go?!

Miss Tibbs had the right idea about the ironing...

....didn't she?

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