Thursday's painting...

...a bit calmer than Wednesday's wave...

A4. Squished left over blue acrylic on the paper with no intent in mind.

Went to wash the large bristle brush, and shook the excess water off, but again like a couple of days ago, I had a splash accident...

I was still shaking the brush when I came back into the room, and I didn't think about how far droplets of water could travel...

Some droplets of water had shaken on to the still wet blue background...


There were more droplets than that, but they got covered by the black trees. The rest of the droplets of water became the moon, and the rest...orbs of light?

His Lordship, the resident mouse catcher, has hunted and eaten at least a couple of mice this morning. I watched him from my bedroom window. (I have noticed in other residents gardens that they have those little green things at the front of their properties that catch rodents, so there must be a bit of a problem here)

Anyway, he asks me to open my bedroom window to let him back I do...and he immediately pounces on my breakfast that I was in the middle of eating and stole a piece of belly pork...


To be fair to Popeye, in order to let him in through the window, I had to put my breakfast down, and with him still being in full hunting mode he leapt on the dish...he probably thought I had finished my breakfast, but he doesn't normally take food from my dish, but waits until I put it in his dish for him to try...

He is now asleep under my heated blanket in between the blankets....

In extras is him sound asleep...he won't wake up for a few hours now...not a good photo but he is buried at the bottom of the bed, so had to take long distance (from the top of the bed) night shot with my pixel 3a phone.... don't want to disturb this sleeping angel. .

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