A Stare-down with Stanley, the Stellar State Bird

Most people don't know that the state bird of Florida is the mockingbird. So...now you know.

Stanley and I had a lot of eye contact. He lost round 1 when he gave his spot up on the hedge, and moved 20 yards away. I followed him down for round 2, and he lost that round when he couldn't keep up with my intense camera eye lock.

In the Extras is a juvenile wood stork searching for snails for breakfast. I titled it Looking Cool...with a Hint of Drool.

RECANT: I must take back my "story" about beating our hosts in cards last night. Robert and Linda took Lisa and I in the best 2 of 3. I argued that since it is my camera blog that I could take literary license...but Linda was having none of that explanation. :0)

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