Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Game changing

The Dizzle went to Veg Expo at Olympia today and met one of his heroes, Patrik Baboumian, serious strong guy and vegan ambassador par excellence. He also dropped in on his brother whose company were exhibiting in an outdoor lifestyle expo in the same building. Our man came back energised and happy from being with such good role models.

I had a bit of a hangover today. Not the sort where you feel ill, but the one where you certainly don’t have any energy. But after a busy few days I was quite happy to doss and let other people be the ones who had the bounce.

The Girl Racer booked a flight over from Canada at the end of April. Coming for ten days. We FaceTimed for an hour and a half which was lovely, and talked about what we want to do when she is here. Can’t wait ...

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