
By Dizzy2302

Winter.....enough now!!!!

Out walking, with my trusty poles at silly O'clock this morning. Knew there was no way to escape the domestics and paperwork today and if I didnt get in my daily walk early the light at end of the day would beat me. Not one of my most sensible ideas. I was walking on solid ice for most of the 3 mile round trip against which my Nordic walking poles were no match slipping and sliding completely out of my control. Wyke Hall was on my route and is the oldest substantial building in Gillingham apart from the church. Parts date from Tudor times, and although much altered over the years, is now in good order and divided into several separate VERY EXPENSIVE dwelling units. LG (chippy by trade) has worked in this
Grade II listed building and in fact discovered a secret tunnel below ground but leading to where no one knows! Weather permitting back to work tomorrow.....just hope roads not as treacherous as this morning. Oh for the Spring!!!........or Lanzarote would do!!!

My rules to celebrate growing older continues.......
15. Get rid of anything that is not useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
16. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Until tomorrow Blipals x

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