The Best Laid Plans....

.....n all of that.

After a busy morning researching...stuff....very interesting and exciting stuff we decided to head to the coast....we decided to get out fish n chips and take them to the point...sit on our new chairs (that we got cheap from Bunnings...but very comfortable) and watch the waves roll in while we ate a leisurely dinner....with some fizzy pop.

Setting off I had to moan about when we finally get to go to the beach there is nary a cloud in the sky...and boy its hot.

Talking of hot with the hot F&C we drove to the point.......little did I realise that we had the air con up so high that it cooled down the chips rendering them a bit cardboardy.....and then when we got out of the car it was blowing a hooley so hard that I nearly lost one of my car doors......a bag of chips got blown out of Flynns hand......(we managed to save them but the serviettes flew off)...the chairs nearly flew away .....Jaiyas food was getting blown off the fork  (she ended up with tomato sauce down her top) and the froth from my lemon lime and bitters flew in my face......Ah the fresh air.
It was so awful it was funny......needless to say we ate and ran...kinda......I had to get my blip.
I got a few of the boy in the wind but I have been posting so many of him lately I thought I post this of a young Brahmany Kite.

He is back to school tomorrow.....its been a long holiday....and for the first time I am glad that they are over...although I am sure I will miss him being at home in a few days.

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