
By wildinlailand

Am I My Keeper's Brother?

Look into my unblinking eyes and see into my soul and maybe we are not world's apart.

Today we visited Chester Zoo. Last year I was bought for my birthday a part share in the Orang-utan's at the zoo and part of the deal is free tickets for special adopter days when you can meet the keepers. Today was adopter day.

I am not a great fan of zoos. It is may be that as child when I visited a zoo I saw poorly looked after animals pacing up and down looking sad and bored. Times have changed and although the cages still exist the animals seem much happier and the keepers always talk about environment enrichment for the animals. Chester Zoo also do lots to support anti poaching programmes and conservation projects all over the world.

Orang's are greatly under threat in Indonesia from logging rainforests and clearing forest for planting palm oil for biofuels and cosmetics.

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