world in a grain of sand

By kateann

urban snowfields

we ventured to Bristol to celebrate granddaughter R's birthday with her. She has adopted a rather typical toddler approach to presents - why should I open another one, while I'm enjoying what was in the last one? Leaving the adults desperate for the presents to be opened. The one she seemed to enjoy most was a pack of felt tips (see tomorrow).
We went out for a snowy walk, the icy pavements were treacherous. This shot reminded me of the blipmeet at Heyford, where Stellarossa lamented the lack of a child in red - this time I brought my own - well, my daughter's!
Stopped for a drink at the Montpelier Thali cafe, the waitress said "we don't have a coffee machine, so you can read about all the lovely coffees they have at the Easton branch but I can't make them for you!"

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