Trees In Conversation

I wonder what they're saying to each other?

No more snow here except for a just a couple of momentary flurries. The sky has been as blankly white all day as the snow which has blanketed the landscape, and I actually appreciated that for photography on this occasion. I again took a break from work at lunchtime to take a run, this time to the north side of the town. I suppose it's not surprising, considering my love of black and white photography, that I'm drawn so much to the bleak winter landscape and its natural monochromatic quality. It makes me seek out pattern even more than usual. Once more the conditions really lent themselves to another sparse image and I make no excuse for that. My head is so busy at the moment that I think I'm seeking relief in these simple and minimalist compositions. I found this particular shot quite compelling today. I hope you do too.

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