twinned with trumpton


Awake at 7; read a little and Alex roused before 8 as the crescendo of bleeps and buzzes was reached.

I stepped out for breakfast as his mother arrived to take charge and I grabbed coffee from across the Meadows at Rudi's before heading back for yet more education on diabetes. Oddly not much of it is sticking, but I'm sure it will.

After a brief flurry of excitement in mid afternoon, we were invited to leave, armed with several armfuls of kit and caboodle.

So off he went back home; I went off to Hers for a stiff gin and tonic (or equivalent)

Debrief done, I was treated to dinner before I cycled home, still dazed, to sleep.

Fed up boy pleading with grandparent, imploring them to help get him out of hospital.

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