twinned with trumpton


As predicted, the day started more brightly than the previous one had ended. We duly ate, dressed and headed out for cereal. Tom wanted Aldi's own brand Special K equivalent and I'd figured out that we could get there on off road routes bar the last 100 yards. And off we cycled.

10km later we were home; laden with cereal. More to follow tomorrow. Or is that serial?

She arrived in the early afternoon; I treated Her to chilli and coffee before chumming Her a considerable way home (Balmoral - the hotel, not the royal castle) before I sped off to assemble a bookcase with the lads. Home schooling isn't all 3 Rs you know....

Another disappointing showing by Man U but tempered by tasty pulled brisket wraps (BBQ sauce of sorts to accompany this gastronomic delight) and some celery and stilton soup was concocted ahead of tomorrow's planned SUP outing. 

An evening of photo editing ensued; I may have to post a few in the next day or two - there's some gaps in January that can now be filled. Watch this space.

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