
By seddon

Chewing (still)

Last night was not a good night. I was awake and upset for hours. Mummy did an hour and a half of feeding, shushing, rocking and patting unsuccessfully, before giving me some calpol and anbesol and telling daddy it was his turn. Daddy managed to get me to sleep after another half an hour (or maybe the calpol kicked in!) and I slept for 2 hours before starting all over again. Mummy was super tired and didn't want to wake daddy up again as he had to be up early for work, so at 4.30 she brought me into their bed, as the only way I'd settle was with her holding me.
After we'd taken Thomas to school mummy had been planning to go food shopping, but neither of us was in the mood so we stayed at home and played instead.
I have been chewing everything again today, and seem to have teeth ready to come through, but mummy isn't holding her breath!
When daddy got home, mummy was telling him I'd been better today than last night - and he didn't remember any of it!! He stood in my room and cuddled and patted me for half an hour, but has no recollection of doing so, he just said he thought he felt tired this morning!!

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