
By seddon

Little musician

A much better night, was awake once for a feed, and then woke at 6am for a cuddle with daddy as he got up for work. He left me in bed with mummy where I slept until 7.20.
After we'd taken Thomas to school, me and mummy went shopping. I was a very good girl and sat in the trolley singing all the way round. I also waved to absolutely everybody!
After we'd dropped everything off at home we went to auntie Anne's house for lunch. She had made my favourite soup and I ate TONS! I enjoyed crawling round exploring whilst mummy and auntie Anne chatted after lunch and then auntie Anne showed me the piano! I really enjoyed making lots of lovely 'music'.
Daddy was home when we got back, so I stayed with him whilst mummy went to pick Thomas up. We all had a chilled evening together before bedtime.

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