
By seddon

Too tall!!

Tried to get up at 5am again today, but mummy wouldn't let me, so it was into their bed again until it was actually time to wake up.
We took Thomas to school and then headed to Puddle ducks. I didn't have a snooze before swimming so was a bit grumpy getting changed.
I was my usual smiley self during the lesson though and was very happy to go to Jo and demonstrate my kicking legs and a tummy ride.
Mummy had taken my dinner so we could stay in the cafe. I did a bit of playing first, watching ace and then copying everything he did!
After I'd eaten, me and mummy nipped home, I fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep ehe mummy brought me inside and lay me on the couch. It was a very quick nap though, because we had to go to school and pick Anne, Georgie and Kate up to go for a catch up and coffee with them. We went to the pub and I sat in a Highchair and ate yet more food, whilst mummy chatted.
Back to school to pick thomas up and then home to get him ready for football.
I was a very tiredy girl after tea and mummy gave me a bath - I wanted to go to bed at 6ish! Mummy managed to keep me up til 7, but I couldn't keep my eyes open, so she put me to bed.
Thomas came in from football at 7.15 and shouted so loud that he woke me up....
It is now 21.50 and I'm refusing to go back to sleep....

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