Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Surprised by Cat

Busy day with book club and then Fiona.  And so cold -there were snow flurries!  Good to be inside.  The book was Alone by Admiral Richard Byrd, the account written 4 years after his adventure in the antarctic in 1933 alone in the dark and 60 below.    I enjoyed it a lot——the writing , the story, the philosophical musings.  What it takes to be such an adventurer is an interesting topic. 

Boppa picked up Fiona but they came home (even she didn’t have shorts on today!) and we had fun messing about, reading, writing, drawing, playing poker.   She wanted to take the PMV family she lent me home today so I suggested she get some other pictures of them here before they had to leave.   This is one of her photos… Lucy the little girl, plays the violin and likes to paint and is a happy all around girl.  Mary the mother comes from a long line of female painters in the family and Sam the Dad is a really good guy.  The cat is one of our old cats, “Reepacheep”, painted in our entry hall.    

Extra: our lunch and hostess  at bookclub..ala Byrd,   Lima beans, corn bread and krill (shrimp)  (then gooey fruity cheesecake, Unlike Byrd!)
and another of the painting family

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