One little pig went to market,
One little pig stayed home,
but this little pig cried...

Ma, I'm hungry.
Ma, I want something to eat too.
Ma, can't you hear me?
Please, Ma, just a little nibble.

Went back to the Farmpark today because it is Maple Sugaring Weekend, and I wanted some pictures of the sugar house and the process of turning sap into maple syrup. However, our grandchildren, Michael and Emmy, went along today, so we stopped first to visit the baby animals before heading out to the sugar house, and that's where I captured today's blip. The 11 other piglets, snapped here last week, were busy elsewhere, but this little one had his heart set on some attention from Momma Pig. I came away with other photos of the maple sugaring, but for me, this little pig was the blip of the day.

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