Wednesday's painting....

... I felt sorry for his Lordship in the kitchen last night, so brought him to my bed last night, but he was chomping at the bit to go outside and tackle something and was mithering me to open my bedroom window. 

I wasn't going to get any sleep so he was taken back to the kitchen, door was closed, and I showed him the cat tray again whereupon he immediately leapt out scattering cat litter....

I left the light on so he could see where it was, because this is a new concept for him.

And went back to bed.

It was dark as it usually is when I woke up to do my painting, but I didn't go and see him because he would have been pestering me to go outside. He had a go last night trying to move this heavy wooden chest from the cat flap, but it nearly gives me a hernia lugging it in place, so no chance for a cat to move it...

I did my painting this morning. It was now getting daylight, so I went to see him. He glowered at me...

But miracle of miracles, he had wee'd in the cat tray. A little victory dance from me! You can teach an old dog new tricks!!! He has never had to use one before. He always has had the availability of my back garden via the cat flap before, all these years. 

So I removed the wooden chest. But he looked at me and said no, he wasn't going outside and made for my bed, whereupon he starts shredding my Berber fleece blanket on my bed (he always does that, I am okay with that because he is making his nest for the day between my blankets), and goes round and round anti-clockwise, and he is then asleep in the dark between my blankets.

I looked on Amazon last night at cat flaps. I am not overly impressed. Popeye cannot wear a collar round his neck. He is the only cat I have had that gets his bottom jaw under the collar and then it is choking him across the mouth. So I cannot have a magnetic collar on him.

The problem is, the cat flaps are different dimensions to the one already in the door, they don't fit the current hole exactly. I could go for a bigger cat flap and make the hole in the door bigger, but I don't want to do that. Or get someone to replace that bottom door panel with a new cat flap in it. But I don't have the funds for that.

So, I am half thinking at the moment of repairing the outside of the cat flap better, and on the inside make two panels either side of the cat flap so I can slide a piece of plywood in front of the cat flap, and then nothing can use the cat flap to get in or out, when I don't want the cat flap to be in use. I could do that with stuff from the garage. I am working something out in my head now. Actually I have a few ideas, and one that might be easier to carry out. 

Today I went out in the garden via the back door, and he followed me, and then proceeded for the next half hour to go clockwise round the bungalow to cat flap, come in through the cat flap, and out through the open back door, and round to cat flap and come in again and so on. 

He doesn't want to go out via the cat flap but is happy enough to come back in that way. 

He is mithering me now, 7pm to go outside. But no chance, not unattended at night. He is asking me to open a window or the back door to the garden. When I have posted this I will put the harness and lead on him and he will then find himself shut in the kitchen tonight again in the same room as the cat tray. Otherwise he will wake me every time he hears a noise in the night asking me to open my bedroom window. And I want my beauty sleep... 

Anyway, here is my painting today. Another abstract. A bit acid yellow in it, but that is me at the mo...A4sized. Acrylics. Palette knife used. 

UPDATE: He refused to go into the kitchen, so I put the harness and lead on him and took him out in the dark. Photos in extras.Three laps round the garden, but he wanted to be let off the harness so he could go off after something. Well, that wasn't happening. So he dragged me back into the bungalow and to the kitchen where I gave him some biscuit treats and shut the door. 

In bed now with a cuppa....

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