Thursday's Painting...

...a bit of pink today.

Acrylics. A4. Brushes used above the sketchbook. This was squished with pink acrylic paint initially and then when it dried, it suggested this painting. 

Popeye is doing well with his new routines.
He is more accepting of them. He still doesn't like using the cat flap during the day, but is fine if I lift the cat flap, or open the kitchen door for him. Then I relock the kitchen door, and when he is ready to return, he is quite happy to use the cat flap to come back in. 

He has done two laps of the garden front and back earlier. He was sitting on my lap earlier but has now gone voluntarily in the kitchen on top of radiator shelf for the night...and the heavy wood chest is jammed against the cat flap to deter intruders. 

He is brilliant.

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