
A timely reminder this morning from an ex-student, who sought me out to give me a thoughtful thank you gift. The mug has a quote on it that I shared with her when I noticed she was wearing herself out by giving to everybody and forgetting to look after herself.

Little Miss had a tough morning, so I headed home at recess to look after her. She’s feeling a bit better this evening, but is just keeping quiet and exercising a bit of self-care.

I’ve enjoyed ‘working from home’ - something teachers don’t often get to do! I had planning time this afternoon, after a hectic start to the week, so I’ve done it sitting at our sun bathed dining table with Abe and Little Miss close by. I’ve been a lot more productive than I would have been at school with all the disruptions!

Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Look after yourself.


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