Another Sunset

It's another sunset! The light was just so good as we walked along the Corniche in Abu Dhabi.  My initial irritation at 'just missing' the setting sun behind a fountain was dispelled by the way the light changed once the sun has disappeared over the horizon.  The water in the bay rapidly changed colours from blue to grey to pink to .. all sorts of shades. I found some sculpted trees and the occasional passer by to set off the scene, and managed to mostly include the distant Atlantis landmark hotel; a very distinct shape although perhaps to our eyes not  the most attractive building. Other photography today has included a few distorted reflections on a skyscraper and some metal plant holders near a garage (extras).

We have arranged to hire a car for a couple of days to get around more freely to various sites and have booked a visit to the Falconry Hospital and treatment centre tomorrow afternoon.

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