
By SmileyCharlie

Isar chill

I woke up and ate banana pancakes on the balcony this morning. The white walls were reflecting heat onto the black balcony which just absorbed it and smiled. 
Luis and I cycled to the Isar and read our books on a blanket over the dried muddy bank. I took lots of photos, and all the ones I took by mistake seemed to be the best ones, while the bridge photos I carefully curated were less interesting. Back at the house, I painted an ocean scene with the paintbrushes my sister bought me as a Christmas gift. Once it's finished I will blip it. 
In the early evening, Mario and I indulged in Disney's Mulan on Netflix. We were really into it; the uplifting songs, the expressive illustrations and the underlying themes of gender roles and Chinese traditions of honour.

GWOTD: der Pinsel - paintbrush

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