
By SmileyCharlie

Isar horses

I went on a sunny run down the isar where four majestic horses were taking a dip.

It’s been very warm here, and I sat by the river reading my book for an hour. I’ve just started a real life account of Nujeen who travelled from Syria in a wheelchair on the recommendation of my lovely Italian lady Cinzia.

Later in the evening we went to the Kunst Bloch Balve art exhibition which was a bit rubbish really but the atmosphere was artsy and sophisticated. The art gallery has a techno club attached which is free if you
attend the exhibition before 9. We got our wrist stamps, cycled back to the flat after meeting some new friends.

I was certain I would not return to the club. I ate four pieces of toast and lay on my bed. But my bedroom is right next to the common area and at some point my eyes snapped open, started moving my feet to “pump up the jam” and I joined the others in returning to the club.

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