An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore


I have been giving this a lot of thought recently and I have come to the conclusion that I shouldn't blip every day any more.

I had hoped to do a full year of consecutive blips before going 'part-time', but it will just take me a bit longer to get there now!

I do love blipping, but it has taken it's toll on my time management and there are many other things that I should be doing and if I don't take myself in hand, those things are never going to get done. It's all too easy to get caught up in the blip cycle of commenting and looking and replying to comments... and before you know it the whole evening has gone and nothing concrete or productive has been achieved.

I will still be blipping! But please don't be offended if I don't reply to every comment or look at every image blipped - I have a big year ahead of me and need to put all of my energies into it (I have a large house and an even bigger garden to renovate and prepare for sale, not to mention a divorce to navigate, plus much more) I know everyone else is busy too, but I have found it is too easy to get lost in blip-land and avoid the difficult stuff! (a 'head-in-the-sand' character flaw I have!)

Having said all that, I expect I will blip tomorrow, as the plan is to go to Lake Mountain for a spot of mountain biking and I have to grab any opportunity to blip something that isn't in my garden! Which leads me neatly to another reason for me not wanting to blip every day - I'm about as sick of finding blips in my garden as everyone probably is of seeing them! This site is, to me, about broadening my photographic experiences, not about narrowing them to a point where I only seem to take one sort of image... I would love to be able to go out on photographic excursions to interesting places, go out at night for a spot of night photography etc - but I can't; not yet anyway. So I have to take what I can from any outings with the children, drives to and from school etc.

And that's probably more than I have ever written on blip before and I'd better post it before I delete it all and replace it with a single sentence...

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