Breakfast time....

Winter again today. The lorry arrived in at 7.30 to collect the 15 heifers bound for United Auctions at Stirling. The driver said they didn’t have snow up there like this.
Cattle fed then had to go to a meeting with the Estate factor at the sand quarry to discuss reinstatement and drainage issues.
An afternoon spent building up a pen for the Angus calves to use as a creep feeder, which allows them through a hole in the wall but keeps the cows out. This is so we can feed the calves separately without all the cows scoffing all the grub.
A trip to the chiro tonight then a call from the auctioneer with today’s prices . The top pen made £1060 and the 15 averaged £1010. Sounds ok until you deduct the 3.75% commission and pay the £11- £15 per head haulage. Easy come , easy go ( and it’s mostly go !)

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