Friday Foto

By drmackem

The Rock That Rolled

The miseducation of....(playlist)

A Photo
Cow and Calf Rock - Ilkley Moor

A Muse
The story goes like this.
The Giant Romabald had upset his wife, who chased him, his leap off the moor to safety at Arncliffe 6 miles away involved him clipping the edge of the moor plateau with his heel. A bit of rock rolled off and we have the Cow and Calf.
Which to me all sounds a bit believable though leaves me wondering what he’d done to upset Mrs Rombald so much. 
Had he looked at another giantess in the wrong way, bought her some pans, not noticed her new hairdo, or failed  to compliment her on her lovely fetid breath, not put the bins out, forgotten their wedding anniversary, left his shavings in the sink or the toilet seat up, left the gate open, forgotten to buy the milk, simply not been listening again, cancelled the Netflix subscription, or forgotten to have his bliptext censored before publication….
Asking for a friend.
(in case you’re worried all is peaceful in the Mackem family home btw)

A Tune
A Case of You - Joni Mitchell

With no plausible connection today to photo or script, though readers may be able to help me here.

From Joni Mitchells album Blue - I love the uniqueness and artistry of Joni singing this song. There's also something about her voice, the words, her apalaician dulcimer playing yes, but I think it's the unguarded vulnerability I notice every time that both beguiles me and bothers me.

I remember that time you told me you said
"Love is touching souls" 
Surely you touched mine 
'Cause part of you pours out of me 
In these lines from time to time 

Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine 
You taste so bitter and so sweet  

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